
New breath
New start
New oath
New new

December twenty-first to
June twenty-first to
December twenty-first
This is planet time

The earth is fickle
It yearns for light;
Sweet light
Burn-the-eyes-through-closed-lids light
It strains towards

Either we are creeping towards
The longest night of the year
Or crawling to the longest day
Either we gratefully succumb to more and more dark
Or we demand more and more light
Either anticipate the dark all light long
Or crave the light all dark long
Oh, impetuous we.

Moira Dunphy January 1, 2016

That moment

I quaver I haver
I stand stock still
I lie I lay
I still stock-stand

Time out
eyes closed
my mouth runs dry
dry run
dry eye
my feet meet land

There’s safety in numbness

then tick –
then click –
all it takes is a nudge
and now the safety’s off.

Exit pursued by a bear

Have you seen this woman?


Have you seen this woman?
Approach with caution
May become awkwardly jokey

Wanted for being
naive and suspicious
cynical and oblivious

May appear brighter in the rear-view mirror

Have you seen this woman?
Has been known to flee reality

Can be found attempting to make eye contact with buskers
Do not encourage her –
as it is she hum-sings the whole damn day

And she’s buy-ee-ing
a stay-yer-way
to hea-ven.

I see me

I see me
At live life-living.
Oh, aye, I eye
The pow!
The zing!
The living-life thing.
I cheer!
I burst!
They come in first.

But still I’m still
I sit I lay I lie
My one guilty pleasure
My wasted leisure.

That, and swearing like a sailor.