Even a hermit crab

An empty seashell

A hermit crab without a shell

is a desperate thing.

Foolish to hide

Dangerous to seek

They risk it all to find one.

When they find one – home free!


they nudge


inspect from all sides


wiggle their butt in to get a feel

before claiming it for their own.

Even a hermit crab

can reject a home

without clams clamouring

they should be grateful

for whatever they get.

Now’s not the time

Show some respect.
Now is not the time, never now;
the time was yesterday.

So hurry, quick –
tomorrow’s shooter is readying.
Talk gun control today
and show some bloody respect for tomorrow’s victims.

Georgian Bay

Towering clouds over Georgian Bay

I want to sit
on the shores of Georgian Bay

Sunny days
calm days or
full of wind and grey

Whitecaps and swells or
waves so sly
you hear the hissing sand complain
as each drop squeezes by

Days in damp suits and clinging sand
my burning soles seeking a place to land
Days with hood tied tight under my chin
Beer-cold water daring me to come in

Sitting and sitting
fingers siftingsifting sand
eyes on horizon
ears tuned to gullsong
Nose seeking sun-baked jack pine

And surprise
When my tongue licks my lips
And there’s no taste of salty sea.

I, Wood

Brisk march down the subway platform
One pulled-back panel of green tile revealing century-old rusty bits,
And one old wooden shim, woodgrain visible under underground grime

Of a sudden, in that glimpse, I’m thrown into its

Tiny beginnings,
Quiet whispers of time,
Years of baked pine-needle-and-soil smell
slowly passing like one perfect summer afternoon;
The boots
The sawmill scream
The sawdust air
The truck
The worker
The saw
The mallet
The muffled roar of time

The glance of a woman who thinks she knows where she’s going.

Passenging on a country drive

Does the eye
Seek out beyond the blue of the sky
a piddly bit of water blue?

Hey, I just saw the lake!

There’s no shortage of blue, trust me.
So why one blue and not the other?
Sky and water, mother and daughter,
use sunlight to display their bluey hues.

Sky absorbs and becomes the light.
Water reflects – it’s having none of it;
sunglasses in place
upon a stony face –
“You think you know me? You don’t know me.”

Hey, lake!

Field frost

shadow of the pine
stretching ‘cross the frosted
stubble of the field;
elegant, tender,
as the sun burns away
last night’s

But the pine,
clinging to that tattered blanket,
whispers to the stubbled field
– just five

Moira Dunphy May, 2016