Mom turns 90

Kathleen surrounded by her grandchildren at her ninetieth birthday

Kathleen was born in 1926. She was the youngest of nine, and had nine children herself. In 2016, at her 90th celebration, I captured a few quotes from those toasting her:

What a ringleader and matriarch throughout the years! I’m proud to be following in your footsteps, becoming a nurse.

The most welcoming of matriarchs, through good times and bad.

Across the entire Cahill clan- it’s profound, the influence you’ve had in all of our lives.

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Have you seen this woman?


Have you seen this woman?
Approach with caution
May become awkwardly jokey

Wanted for being
naive and suspicious
cynical and oblivious

May appear brighter in the rear-view mirror

Have you seen this woman?
Has been known to flee reality

Can be found attempting to make eye contact with buskers
Do not encourage her –
as it is she hum-sings the whole damn day

And she’s buy-ee-ing
a stay-yer-way
to hea-ven.