Even a hermit crab

An empty seashell

A hermit crab without a shell

is a desperate thing.

Foolish to hide

Dangerous to seek

They risk it all to find one.

When they find one – home free!


they nudge


inspect from all sides


wiggle their butt in to get a feel

before claiming it for their own.

Even a hermit crab

can reject a home

without clams clamouring

they should be grateful

for whatever they get.

Crossing Between Broadview and Castle Frank; the Trees in Early June

Like children fresh from baths

I want to pat their heads

Cup each skull under my palm

Feel the silky-soft spongy give of their new-growth hair.

Their squirming will not deter me from kissing each temple

Breathing in their newness


With my hand still on top

I want to point them to their beds

And release.

Moira Dunphy, 2012

April eighteen

A palm-sized rock painted with a red heart

Sitting in the front row

and my heart stops.

Stuart Little is in danger

Grave Danger

-and he doesn’t know! But we know!

The tiara on my 4-yr old niece

twinkles as she leans forward

eyes and mouth wide.

Every muscle taut

her wand hand grips her tutu

and her other stretches out

fingers splayed wide

to reach Stuart

to grab him, to save him, to safe him.

My heart stops at the naked yearning

shining from her.

Sitting on my sofa

and my heart stops.

The Portapique memorial

-a year? A full year?!

and the people

who loved

twenty-two people

offer twenty-two vases

of long-stem white roses.

As a Mom bows her head and clasps her hands

my heart is a yearning 4-year old in a tiara

reaching with all my might.

Freedom by Louis Dudek, Canadian poet

My two dogs
Tied to a tree
By a ten-foot leash
Kept howling and whining for an hour
Till I let them off.

Now they are lying quietly on the grass
A few feet further from the tree
And they haven’t moved at all since I let them go.

Freedom may be
Only an idea
But it’s a matter of principle
Even to a dog.

Louis Dudek (Poetry in Motion series on TTC, 2004 – still looking for publication date)

Now’s not the time

Show some respect.
Now is not the time, never now;
the time was yesterday.

So hurry, quick –
tomorrow’s shooter is readying.
Talk gun control today
and show some bloody respect for tomorrow’s victims.

Georgian Bay

Towering clouds over Georgian Bay

I want to sit
on the shores of Georgian Bay

Sunny days
calm days or
full of wind and grey

Whitecaps and swells or
waves so sly
you hear the hissing sand complain
as each drop squeezes by

Days in damp suits and clinging sand
my burning soles seeking a place to land
Days with hood tied tight under my chin
Beer-cold water daring me to come in

Sitting and sitting
fingers siftingsifting sand
eyes on horizon
ears tuned to gullsong
Nose seeking sun-baked jack pine

And surprise
When my tongue licks my lips
And there’s no taste of salty sea.