Assorted things to know about me:
- I’m one of nine children, the second daughter in a sea of sons.
- We moved to Toronto when I was three. There were only eight kids then (see photo). While my Dad worked with the movers my Mom took the kids to Frans for dinner. She forgot her wallet and left my sister as collateral.
- I am a dirty little Toronto-lover.
- My first crush was Jimmy Stewart. I didn’t really have a handle on the whole stars-aren’t-still-the-same-age-they-were-in-that-classic-movie thing.
- The best thing that Catholic school gave me was a uniform. It was such a relief to never have to think about what to wear.
We rented a cottage in Balm Beach on Georgian Bay for several summers. It would be overrun by cousins and aunts and uncles. It’s where I learned how time can be forever in a day. And where I learned that some us walking upright on land are also part-fish. (I’m the one staring at the sand still stuck to my legs, wondering when I can go back in the water.)
- I was a twelve-year old picket captain.
- I spent a year in France with my family. We lived in Condè-sur-Huisne. I fell in love with Chartres Cathedral.
I attended St. Mike’s at UoT while my Dad was Principal. While he gave a welcome speech, I got my orientation group to interrupt him by calling out in unison, “Hi, Dad!” Throughout the year, students spotting him crossing the quad would call out “Hi, Dad!”
- My brother introduced me to improvisation and it was love at first sight.
- My sister asked me to help out in her office for a day which turned into years. That’s how I fell in love with housing co-ops and paid for improv classes.
- I was Artistic Director of Theatresports Toronto.
- I fell in love with and married one of my roommates. My other roommate was my maid of honour.
- I spent two years crossing Canada with the Second City Touring Company. Highlight: Inuvik show hosts took us on dogsled rides at one in the morning and it was still freakin light out.
I was a member of the comedy troupe The Chumps. We worked out of a storefronttheatre near Bathurst and Queen. We did Star Trek: Live on Stage. We improvised one-act plays. We had a CBC Radio show The Chumps Without a Net, and a CD by the same name. And, acknowledging my bias, we were damn funny.
- I was Artistic Director for Second City’s Training Centre.
- I adopted three boys – brothers – aka Extreme Parenting
- I championed my sons as they grew into multiple diagnoses, which continue to challenge their lives.
- I separated after 24 years of life as a couple.
- I returned to the co-op housing world where I happily work in communications.
- I live with depression and anxiety.
- I didn’t know I had ADD until I was in my 50’s. I’m still bloody learning about myself, holy moly, some stuff is starting to make sense.
- I am a grandma. And it made me sob.