Anxiety meter

Two lumpy snowmen at dusk

With an extreme cold weather alert outside, and a good stock of leftovers inside, I enjoyed a lazy, bookish Boxing Day. Looking out the window, I realized that, every day of every winter, I keep a running check on the weather, to inform an internal anxiety meter: is today a day that weather may take the life of a fellow citizen on our streets? Continue reading “Anxiety meter”

Boy Moms Club

The Boy Moms at my sons’ grade school had a not-so-secret club. We were the ones who arrived early every afternoon, scanning the yard for forgotten lunch bags and hoodies. As kids spilled out the doors, the Boy Moms yelled for their boys, secured belongings, checked fists and pockets for teachers’ notes, then doled out snacks. Boy Moms Club would be in session, the Moms swapping advice and laughs while doling out bandages and warnings. Continue reading “Boy Moms Club”

Hello world!

I’m new to WordPress. To start, I’ve posted some of my earlier writing to the site.

I will happily and/or shame-facedly accept any comments or advice about the writing or about the world of blogging.